Enter the command: Type the following command into the chat/command window and press Enter: /gamerule keepInventory true.On mobile, the chat button is located in the top center area of the screen. Open the chat/command window: Press the "T" key on your keyboard (Java Edition) or the right D-Pad button on a controller (Bedrock Edition) to open the chat/command window.Ensure you have the required permissions: To change game rules, you must be an operator (OP) in a multiplayer game or have cheats enabled in a single-player world.
Here's how to enable the "keep Inventory" game rule:

However, you can use the "keep Inventory" game rule to prevent the loss of items upon death. In Minecraft, you typically lose all of your items when you die, and you must retrieve them from the location of your death within a limited amount of time. How to Keep Your Inventory When You Die in Minecraft Players can continue their adventures without worrying about losing their hard-earned items. Additionally, the "keep inventory" option can be a great way to avoid frustration and keep the game enjoyable. It can also be helpful for players who are working on a long-term project and don't want to lose their progress if they die. For example, it can be helpful for players who are exploring dangerous areas and don't want to risk losing their items. The "keep inventory" option can be useful in several situations. With this feature turned on, players can explore and build with confidence, knowing that their inventory is safe. It means that players can continue their adventures without having to worry about losing their items and progress. Turning on the "keep inventory" option allows players to keep their inventory, even after death. It can be a major setback, especially if the player has spent hours gathering resources and building structures. When a player dies, they respawn at the spawn point and lose all their inventory and progress. When playing Minecraft, death is a natural part of the game.